Our unique approach toward Community Health involves our beneficiaries taking the lead in their own change process. Due to the limited number of professionals in our area and the diverse cultural and religious fabric of our communities, we choose to invest in those who have the best resilience to do the work. This includes having the ability to address sensitive psychological issues, which are best known by people who understand them and live alongside them.
Delivered by 250 youth peer providers and 45 home-based carers and community health workers, our outreach addresses home-based care, sexual health, HIV/AIDS and maternal/child health needs. The Mama Tumaini Health Clinic and nine community centres (in urban and very rural communities), reach 7,500 people plus a further 3,000+ local youth each year. With extensive connections and experience PLTJ was well-placed to respond to the Covid pandemic.
“Since 2004 when I first found Pepo La Tumaini in Kenya, to this day, I am amazed by the sheer force for good this small organisation has become. First, it was only Khadja and her one-woman campaign to save the children whose parents were dying from HIV-AIDS. Now it’s grown into a community powerhouse that deserves all our support. Tumaini stands between these children and the street.”